
Looking for my Cowgirl

Év 70 Honnan való? Hamilton, Montana Elérhető 2 héttel ezelőtt

Férfi keres Hölgyet

Általános adatok Mondjon el többet önmagáról.
  • Idegen nyelvek: Angol, Német
  • Leírás I'm originally from England and now live on a small-holding in Hamilton MT. It’s really beautiful but it lacks a woman’s touch, and so do I.

    I spent years professionally in the US and always loved the West and so I moved briefly to Wyoming and then in 2012 to Montana.


Montana is a beautiful state and I love the mountains, the animals and the Wilderness, etc. I have horses and enjoy riding and I love the outdoors, camping and the ranch / farm lifestyle. But I’m just as at home in large cities, enjoy the culture and love traveling which has been part of my life - the world has so much to see.

    I consider myself a gentleman that knows how to care for a lady. I can dress for a night out but I am just as comfortable on a horse or a tractor and I enjoy working on a ranch.

    I’m very sociable and like going out or having friends over for a barbecue / dinner, etc. I’m also warm-hearted, love my family and have brought up three wonderful children that I love dearly.

    The sort of woman I’m looking for will be one that’s willing to make a commitment to her relationship, who knows how to treat a man and is willing to care deeply for him. I would love to meet a cowgirl who has a zest for life, who enjoys the same sort of lifestyle that I do and who looks after herself, takes pride in her appearance and is able to dress up as well as let her hair down.

    I’m very active, my health is important to me, and I hope she will have a similar view on that.

    I have a lot of interests not listed here, and I do a lot - and I love doing it, but I’m now on my own and fed up with being alone: I want companionship, love and affection. I have a really great life, but I want a best friend and a lover to share it - someone who would hopefully share my interests but, more importantly, someone who will just enjoy time being with me. 

    Thank you for reading this. It is just a brief overview, but if anything I’ve said grabs your interest then please contact me because I’d love to hear from you. My pictures are recent and I would hope yours will be too.
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  • Testalkatom Átlagos
  • Magasságom 1.83 m
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