
Since I can’t say much I’m wonderful

Év 57 Honnan való? Vancouver, Washington Elérhető 1 hete

Hölgy keres Férfit

Általános adatok Mondjon el többet önmagáról.
  • Keresztnév Cassie
  • Leírás My other one was short and sweet because I couldn’t say much I try to be positive funny and I like to live my faith I try to anyway . Also I like all kinds of outdoor activities. I like going to movies and dinner.. i’m a dog trainer so my life involves a lot of dogs. Dog park etc. I love horses. And horse activities.Camping is one of my favorites and I want to learn how to hike I know that sounds weird but. I want to man that feels the same way positive not negative
  • Jelentkezzen Ikrek
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  • Testalkatom Erős testalkatú
  • Magasságom 1.68 m
  • Etnicitásom Kaukázusi

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